Thursday, February 3, 2011

life is very strange...
every single moment causes me to question more
questioning but not getting any answer
just getting lost
more and more..
i need an explanation about life and death
three people in two days
why did they go
why we stayed behind
no one knows
is life still beautiful
depends on what angle we are looking at things from
maybe we can change the all labeling
what happens if we would celebrate every death
like every birth
there is no lost or gain
no end or start
just a big circle
all together in one line
just different dimensions
lets no cry
celebrate the journey!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

an interesting book....

Introducing Evolutionary Psychology
by Dylan Evans and Oscar Zarate

Friday, January 21, 2011

the story of my life

i was ready to tell
the story of my life
but the ripple of tears
and the agony of my heart
wouldn't let me

i began to stutter
saying a word here and there
and all along i felt
as tender as a crystal
ready to be shattered

in this stormy sea
we call life
all the big ships
come apart
board by board

how can i survive
riding a lonely
little boat
with no oars
and no arms

my boat did finally break
by the waves
and i broke free
as i tied myself
to a single board

though the panic is gone
i am now offended
why should i be so helpless
rising with one wave
and falling with the next

i don't know
if i am
while i exist
but i know for sure
when i am
i am not
when i am not
then i am

now how can i be
a skeptic
about the
resurrection and
coming to life again

since in this world
i have many times
like my own imagination
died and
been born again

that is why
after a long agonizing life
as a hunter
i finally let go and got
hunted down and became free

ghazal 1419 translated by nader khalili

Sunday, January 16, 2011

true journey is the one which is made to yourself!

I would like to share the story of the bird Simurg-Phoenix- also known as Zümrüd-ü Anka is the most important mythical bird in Persia, Mezopotemia, Anatolia, Azerbaijan, Armenia and Central Asia.
Simurg is a tale bird. It is a huge wise bird with a beautiful voice.
It has a white ring around its long neck and all colors on its feathers.
It is the sultan of the all birds and lives beyond the KAF mountain.
According to story, all birds start a big journey to find Simurg.
It is a very difficult journey with a long distance.
First the birds cross the THE SEA OF LOVE
Then they fly over the THE VALLEY OF SEPARATION
After passing THE PLAIN OF GREED, they turn to LAKE OF
Some of the birds dive into the sea of love, some of them get lost at the valley of separation..
Some of them fell down on to plain with greed, some of them sink into the lake with jealousy..
At the end of the journey, there are only 30 birds can achieve to arrive at Kaf mountain.
However they can not find their Sultan bird Simurg..
But they just find a big mirror and see themselves at the mirror.
After 30 birds realize the magic of words..
Persian SI means "thirty"
and MURG means "bird"
and they all understand that SIMURG is nothingelse, but just them..
This journey helps the birds to find themselves...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

i woke up early tonight
smoothed the moon
cut little piece of my hair
put in a tiny jar
filled the rest with my tears